Orion, first published in 1984, is the first of the Orion series by Ben Bova and chronicles the many lives of John O'Ryan, a marketing executive who has the ability to consciously control his body on a cellular level. When a bomb goes off while he is dining in a resturant he learns of his true identity. He is Orion, the hunter.
Once I got into it, which I admit took quite some time, I actually really enjoyed the book. There was the occasional temptation to throw it across the room when the usually intelligent Orion takes chapters of text to realise an obvious plot-point that has been staring him in the face. On the other hand I enjoyed the detailed forays into historical settings and mythology mixed with the philosophising of the meaning of life in a meaningless world that is common in Science Fiction (and the little bit of romance didn't hurt either).
While I did eventually quite enjoy the book, I doubt I'll be scouring the shelves for the second one, Vengeance of Orion (1988) and have decided to return my attention to books that were published after my birth.