The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit is 10 years old. I refer to it almost every day. Three cheers for Wikipedia.
This is what culture looks like, a process of argument, of dissenting and accreting opinion, of gradual codification. And for the first time in history, we're building a system that, perhaps only for a brief time but certainly for the moment, is capable of recording and making use of every single one of those infinitely valuable pieces.
James Bridle
It’s more like a library than you think
Tom Morris
One of the largest cumulative acts of generosity in history
Clay Shirky
Perhaps because it's free, and we don't believe anything good can be, we generally accept the idea that Wikipedia is riven with flaky and hoax information, somehow a risky place to be relying on for your research. Guess what? Without irony, these articles invariably lack supporting data on this point.
Peter Gill
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