Philip Roth Awarded International Man Booker Prize for 2011

American novelist Philip Roth most known for his works American Pastoral, The Plot Against America and The Human Stain has just been awarded the International Man Booker prize for 2011. But receiving one of the highest literary prizes in the world is no cause for celebration for Mr Roth. His reputation has been dragged through the mud as one of the judging panel refuses to put her name to the decision quoting that Mr Roth "goes on and on about the same subject in almost every book", "It's as though he's sitting on your face and you can't breathe." and "I don't rate him as a writer at all." Harsh words coming from an International Man Booker Prize judge!! Carmen Callil was so passionate about her stance on Philip Roth that she stepped down from the panel. Fair enough, she’s entitled to her opinion but perhaps she should have stood down from the panel when Roth was named a finalist knowing as she did how much she disliked his works. Is she right or wrong to have done what she did? Whatever the case this year’s International Man Booker Prize has certainly sparked debate over the personal bias that must go into judging the winners of such literary prizes. What makes a great author seems to be matter of opinion, but should it be??

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